Divine Connection - Part 3

Scripture Reading - Romans 8:16 KJV

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

Greetings fellow believer in the Awesome Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you this day while he fills you with all Peace. Today we are continuing on the ways of God concerning being led by the Holy Spirit of God. This means all Children of God ought to be led by the Holy Spirit as noted in Romans 8:14 KJV which states, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God”. When we are operating within God’s Will it allows us to be in the right place at the right time for the right things to happen. In the first lesson entitled Divine Connections - Part 1 we mentioned a little on what you could do to be led of God. We mentioned that daily fellowship with God is how the Good Lord will direct your steps. In the next lesson (Diving Connections - Part 2) it stated that when we (ihlcc) speak of daily fellowship with God we are speaking about two specific things. In Lesson 2 we expounded on spending time in His Word which is critical if you are going to spend quality time with God. However, spending time in God’s Word alone won’t guarantee good results unless it is coupled with the God’s Divine input (His direction, His Spirit). Yes, the Word of God is the sure foundation but you also need the witness of God’s Spirit to guide you in your daily affairs. We surely do need the Word of God to get us started on the right path of what is good and right in God’s sight but when to apply God’s instructions is just as important. We (ihlcc) do firmly believe in being in the right place at the right time for the right things to happen but the timing must be in God’s timing. This is why it is vitally important to be familiar with God’s Witness. Notice in today’s lesson the main verse states, “The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God”. Let’s dissect this scripture to get more out of it because we need to understand this principle thoroughly to gain a greater appreciation for what God is saying unto us. At the beginning of the verse the word “Spirit” is capitalized which means the writer is speaking of God’s Holy Spirit and that is why the second time the word (spirit) is used in that verse it is lower case referring to the spirit of man (your spirit, your heart). We then notice that the word “bears witness” is used which means he testifies to our spirit concerning God’s Will (God’s Heart). Other words that can be used for “bear” are “confirm or declare”. In other words, God’s witness spiritually echoes truth and being more specific His Truth and His Righteousness. Just like the judge in court seeks truth to reach the correct verdict. Opposing information may (will be) presented but when things are done right The Truth shall prevail. In another scripture this witness is used as God’s Peace according to Colossians 3:15 KJV which reads, “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful”. This means let God’s peace be your guide when making Godly decisions. Please don’t be deceived in thinking that only big decisions are godly decision because we (ihlcc) are not saying that but what we are stating is for you to include God in all decisions that affect other people let that could be a safe guide for relying on God. Yes, when you fellowship with God on a daily (regular) bases He will look to give you counsel and guidance so be open for it and ready to receive it. Since God’s witness of truth is God’s Word and confirmation of your heart (of peace and assurance) is meant for all believers encourage other believers you know to also seek the Word of God (truth) and the witness of God (the unction of God, spiritual peace in your heart that could be beyond human reasoning). We will briefly look at two examples the first being when you where Born Again such an important decision that changed your life. Notice God wanted you to be sure about His Great Love for you so He gave you witness that you are one of His Beloved children. You had the Word of God on the subject (knowledge) and you also have the witness of God’s Spirit inside of your spirit confirming the transformation. Secondly when it comes to God’s Calling on your life you could know it but there is a certain timing associated with it. We must be sure when we speak of doing God’s Perfect Will concerning our calling we include His witness of correct timing because it is crucial if you desire to be in the right place at the right time for the right things to happen. Amen! We know it is God’s Will for you to prosper and be in good health but to experience these major blessings on your life (including all those who are under your roof and your family members) you must know God’s Word on the subject and follow His Leadings at the right time. Remember, there is a time to plant and that is associated with the right time to reap that specific harvest. Please know dear child of God it is your destiny in Christ Jesus to encounter Divine Connections of blessing all of your days on earth and extending into your life in Heaven, if you believe this as we do let us praise our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus and thank them for their mercy, grace and continued blessing upon our life solely because He Loves us so much. Amen!